It's amazing, compared to Texas everything is picture perfect green. They say it is due to their rainfall, but it is so pretty. Today was relatively warm, mid 70's. Above is a picture of Bonn University. We study at the AIB which is down the street. This area has a park and is close to the Rhine River. It is beautiful. Today was a perfect
day to walk around, we went on a historical tour of the city and went to the city center, which is full of stores, restaurants, and Eis (ice cream). I had my first European Gelato! It was delicious, I
want to try all the flavors : ) We also went to a Biergarten, where I had my first german beer. They make you pay for the glass, but if you return it then you get a Euro back. I will probably keep a glass one of these days. An old man also came to our table and drew a Caricature of us by the river. He said very strange and funny things, but apparently he is famous around Bonn. Tomorrow morning we have our first day of class, so I need to read some before bed. We have class in the morning 2-3 times a week and the rest of the time we go on excursions to different cities or to sites around Bonn. Today, I also figured out the Bonn public transportation system. It is extremely convenient and efficient. I wish we had more of it in America. Luckily another A&M student rides the same street car as me, so we found our way home together. I am picking up German phrases fast, but people can tell we are from America. As soon as they realize it they start to talk in English. The accents here are so cool and our tour guide today even sounded like Arnold Schwarzennager if I closed my eyes. I love my host family, especially my 12 yr old host brother. He is so funny! I am currently enjoying quiet time in my own room to unwind from an amazing first day!
Guten Nacht,
i went to visit a friend that went to the bonn university last august, so your picture brings back great memories of the days i was there! have so much fun!!!!